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13 April 2024

Lava Tutorial: Mnist Training On Gpu And Evaluation On Loihi2

by R Gaurav

In this long end-to-end tutorial, I will demonstrate how to train a Spiking Neural Network (SNN) on GPU for MNIST digits classification using Lava library, and then how to evaluate the same on Loihi-2 neuromorphic chip (both – simulation and physical hardware on INRC).

Note: Complete source code for this tutorial can be found on my mnist-on-loihi GitHub repository. Also, basic knowledge of Lava’s Process and ProcessModel is necessary to follow this tutorial well; however, you are welcome to read it as I will be providing high-level explanations of the realted Lava APIs. You can learn more about Lava on its above-linked website.


Programming in Lava is not easy! – well… at least as of this date. Lava is a rich python library introduced by Intel to build, train, and deploy spiking networks on Intel’s neuromorphic chips: \(\textsf{Loihi-1}\) and \(\textsf{Loihi-2}\). As of now, Lava supports Deep Learning through SNNs, dynamic spiking networks based on Dynamic Neural Fields, and interestingly - mathematical Constraint Optimization. There are two main ways to build and train Deep-SNNs in Lava through Lava-DL:

You can find more details and tutorials here. Note that after you have trained your Lava-based Deep-SNN, you can use Lava’s NetX module to port your network to Loihi neuromorphic chips.

We here focus on building, (direct) training, and deploying an SNN composed of only Dense layers via Lava's SLAYER and NetX APIs; training on GPU, evaluation on Loihi-2.

Note: Here I am just presenting the main excerpts from the mnist-on-loihi repository necessary to understand my code. The library requirements and execution process/commands are mentioned in my repo’s README. Also, needless to say, the Loihi-2 chip’s simulation (henceforth, \(\textsf{Loihi-Sim}\)) runs on your CPU, while the Loihi-2 chip’s actual hardware (henceforth, \(\textsf{Loihi-Hw}\)) can be accessed on the INRC cloud.

I am next introducing some very foundational details of Lava, related to this tutorial.

Lava’s Process

Processes in Lava define the Interface of your network’s components. A Process consists of one or more input and output ports through which it communicates with other Processes; it also consists of internal variables that it uses for its operations.

Lava’s ProcessModel

ProcessModels in Lava are simply the Implementation of the corresponing Processes on different hardware architectures/backends, e.g., host CPU, Loihi-embedded LMT x86-cores, etc. Each Process can have one or more ProcessModels suited for different hardware, and it consists of regular python or C code depending upon the hardware substrate it is intended to run on. Note that a ProcessModel follows a certain protocol in agreement of which it executes its operations. All the ProcessModels in this tutorial follow the LoihiProtocol that consists of mulitple execution phases – each of the phases follow a specific order; more details on LoihiProtocol can be found here.

Lava’s slayer Module

The slayer module is part of the Lava-DL library underneath which runs PyTorch. The slayer module offers APIs such as \(\texttt{slayer.utils.Assistant}\) that assists in training and evaluation of a SLAYER SNN, and \(\texttt{slayer.utils.LearningStats}\) that outputs the training and test metrics/stats.

Lava’s netx Module

The netx module is part of the Lava-DL library that supports loading/porting the SLAYER-trained SNNs and their deployment on Loihi hardware. Note that the netx-loaded networks have 8-bit quantized integer weights.

Repository Tree

Let’s now take a brief glimpse at my mnist-on-loihi repository – I am describing its contents below:

My Networks Details

The idea is to first build a Dense-only SNN (using slayer APIs) composed of two Hidden layers (with \(128\) and \(64\) spiking neurons respectively) and one Output layer (with \(10\) spiking neurons), followed by its training on a \(\textsf{GPU}\) (again using slayer), and finally its evaluation on the \(\textsf{Loihi-Sim}\) (on CPU) using netx and Lava Processes. If you have access to the physical \(\textsf{Loihi-Hw}\) on INRC, the trained Dense-only SNN can be evaluated there as well. Note that since my network’s input is composed of Dense layer, the MNIST images have to be flattened (already taken care by Lava).

Networks Architecture

\[\texttt{ExpDataset} \rightarrow \texttt{SlayerDenseSNN}\]

where \(\texttt{SlayerDenseSNN}\) implies the network:

\[\texttt{Dense CUBA(128)} \rightarrow \texttt{Dense CUBA(64)} \rightarrow \texttt{Dense CUBA(10)}\]

with \(\texttt{Dense CUBA(m)}\) denoting fully connected Dense connections with ‘\(\texttt{m}\)’ number of \(\texttt{CUBA}\) post-synaptic neurons.

\[\texttt{InpImgToSpk} \rightarrow \texttt{InputAdapter} \rightarrow \texttt{netx-obtained Network} \rightarrow \texttt{OutputAdapter} \rightarrow \texttt{OutSpkToCls}\]

where the \(\texttt{netx-obtained Network}\) is simply the trained \(\texttt{SlayerDenseSNN}\) loaded via the netx module. There is one more nuance here, the ground-truth label Output port of \(\texttt{InpImgToSpk}\) Process is directly connected to the ground-truth label Input port of \(\texttt{OutSpkToCls}\) Process.

Note that for the \(\textsf{Loihi-Sim}\) backend, I am using the ProcessModels: \(\texttt{PyInpImgToSpkModel}, \texttt{PyOutSpkToClsModel}, \texttt{PyInputAdapter},\) and \(\texttt{PyOutputAdapter}\) – all of which run on CPU; the netx-obtained network too, runs on CPU.

Similarly, for the \(\textsf{Loihi-Hw}\) backend, I am using the ProcessModels: \(\texttt{PyInpImgToSpkModel}\) and \(\texttt{PyOutSpkToClsModel}\) that run on CPU, because they generate input spikes and collect output spikes (for inference) respectively; however, to interface with the netx-obtained network, which in this case runs on the Loihi neurocores, I am using the ProcessModels: \(\texttt{NxInputAdapter}\) and \(\texttt{NxOutputAdapter}\) (both run on Loihi neuro-cores as well) to transfer the spikes to-and-fro between the Loihi neuro-cores and the CPU.

\(\texttt{SlayerDenseSNN}\) related Code in Details

I am next explaining my code in details, as well as the related nuances of Lava. It is important to note that the SNNs in Lava are executed for a certain (desired) number of time-steps, starting from time-step \(=1\) (and not \(0\))! This nuance has some pretty strong implications as we will see later. Let us start with the \(\texttt{SlayerDenseSNN}\) related code.

\(\texttt{ExpDataset}\) Class

This class is fairly easy to understand, where I use the Nengo/NEF defined way to Rate-encode the image pixels to binary spikes via the equation:

\[J = \alpha\times<e.x> + \beta\]

where \(J\) is the input current to the encoding neuron, \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) are its gain and bias values. Note that \(x\) is the normalized pixel value to be encoded, and since it’s non-negative, the value of the encoder \(e\) is kept \(+1\) here (\(<e.x>\) denotes dot product); \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) are set to \(1\) and \(0\) respectively. The generated spike trains are fed to the SlayerDenseSNN’s first Hidden layer.

\(\texttt{SlayerDenseSNN}\) Class

The \(\texttt{SlayerDenseSNN}\) is composed of following Dense blocks of Current Based (CUBA) neurons, with their \(\texttt{neuron_params}\) as described below (code in \(\texttt{snns.py}\)):

neuron_params = {
    "threshold": 1.0,
    "current_decay": 0.10,
    "voltage_decay": 0.10,
    "requires_grad": False,

self.blocks = torch.nn.ModuleList([
    # First Hidden Layer.
        neuron_params, 784, 128, weight_norm=False, delay=False),
    # Second Hidden Layer.
        neuron_params, 128, 64, weight_norm=False, delay=False),
    # Output Layer.
        neuron_params, 64, 10, weight_norm=False, delay=False)

Note that the hidden Dense layers have \(128\) and \(64\) CUBA neurons; feel free to adjust these parameters as well as the \(\texttt{neuron_params}\) to improve the accuracy reported here.

Training and Evaluating \(\texttt{SlayerDenseSNN}\)

Training and evaluating SNNs using slayer is quite straightforward. Following code (in \(\texttt{train_eval_snn.py}\)) defines the \(\texttt{loss}\) function, \(\texttt{stats}\) monitor, \(\texttt{optimizer}\), and the training/evaluation \(\texttt{assistant}\) for the \(\texttt{SlayerDenseSNN}\):

loss = slayer.loss.SpikeRate(
    # `true_rate` and `false_rate` should be between [0, 1].
    true_rate=0.9, # Keep `true_rate` high for quicker learning.
    false_rate=0.01, # Keep `false_rate` low for quicker learning.

stats = slayer.utils.LearningStats()

optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(), lr=0.001)

assistant = slayer.utils.Assistant(
    self.model, loss, optimizer, stats,

Within each training epoch, call the \(\texttt{assistant.train(.)}\) and \(\texttt{assistant.test(.)}\) functions to train and evaluate the \(\texttt{SlayerDenseSNN}\), respectively.

\(\texttt{LavaDenseSNN}\) related Code in Details

Given that the training/evaluation of \(\texttt{SlayerDenseSNN}\) on \(\textsf{GPU}\) is clear, let’s now look into the code of \(\texttt{LavaDenseSNN}\) (composed of Processes and netx-obtained network) in details. Following code builds the \(\texttt{LavaDenseSNN}\) (code in \(\texttt{snns.py}\)):

# -- Lava Trained SNN portable to Loihi (either H/W or Simulation).
self.net = netx.hdf5.Network(
    net_config=trnd_net_path, # Trained network path.
    reset_interval=n_tsteps, # Presentation time-steps of each test-image.
    reset_offset=1 # Phase shift / offset time-step to reset this network.

# Connect Processes.

# Connect ImgToSpk Input directly to SpkToCls Output for ground truths.

where \(\texttt{self.img_to_spk}\) and \(\texttt{self.spk_to_cls}\) are the instances of the \(\texttt{InpImgToSpk}\) and \(\texttt{OutSpkToCls}\) Processes respectively, \(\texttt{self.inp_adp}\) and \(\texttt{self.otp_adp}\) are the instances of the \(\texttt{InputAdapter}\) and \(\texttt{OutputAdapter}\) Processes respectively, and \(\texttt{self.net}\) is the netx-obtained (trained) \(\texttt{SlayerDenseSNN}\) network.

With respect to the above netx-obtained network, note that the \(\texttt{trnd_net_path}\) is actually the saved (trained) \(\texttt{SlayerDenseSNN}\) model and \(\texttt{reset_interval}\) is equal to the presentation time-steps of an image. The \(\texttt{reset_interval}\) denotes the number of time-steps after which the neurons in the netx-obtained network should be reset for a fresh input. Also, \(\texttt{reset_offset}\) is set to \(1\) because I want the netx-obtained network to reset after every \(\texttt{reset_interval}\) with a positive offset of \(1\) time-step (i.e., the phase-shift of the \(\texttt{reset_interval}\) is \(1\)) – reasons will be explained later.

\(\texttt{InpImgToSpk}\) and \(\texttt{PyInpImgToSpkModel}\) Classes

The Process: InpImgToSpike and its corresponding ProcessModel: PyInpImgToSpkModel implement the code to Rate-encode the normalized pixel values to binary spikes - in a fashion similar to the ExpDataset class; the input spikes are fed to the netx-obtained network’s Input interface.

The following code (in \(\texttt{utils.py}\)):

@implements(proc=InpImgToSpk, protocol=LoihiProtocol)
class PyInpImgToSpkModel(PyLoihiProcessModel):

associates the Process - \(\texttt{InpImgToSpk}\) to its ProcessModel - \(\texttt{PyInpImgToSpkModel}\) and instructs it to execute according to the LoihiProtocol on the host CPU. Note that as per the LoihiProtocol, the constituent run_spk() phase/function is executed first, followed by the post_guard() and run_post_mgmt() phases. Note that the \(\texttt{run_post_mgmt()}\) phase is executed only when the \(\texttt{post_guard()}\) phase returns \(\texttt{True}\), while the \(\texttt{run_spk()}\) phase executes every time-step unchecked/unconditionally.

Components of \(\texttt{PyInpImgToSpkModel}\)

Following is the code of \(\texttt{run_spk()}\) (in \(\texttt{utils.py}\)):

def run_spk(self):
    if self.time_step % self.n_ts == 1:
        self.inp_img = np.zeros(self.inp_img.shape, dtype=float)
        self.v = np.zeros(self.v.shape, dtype=float)

    J = self.gain*self.inp_img + self.bias
    self.v[:] = self.v[:] + J[:]
    mask = self.v > self.vth
    self.v[mask] = 0

where \(\texttt{self.n_ts}\) is the presentation time-steps of an image, \(\texttt{self.inp_img}\) is the input image, and \(\texttt{self.v}\) is the neurons’ voltage which Rate-encode the input image to spikes. We will come back to the \(\texttt{run_spk()}\) again. For now, let’s look into the code of \(\texttt{post_guard()}\) next:

def post_guard(self):
    if self.time_step % self.n_ts == 1: # n_ts steps passed, one image processed.
        return True

    return False

Above code implies that whenever \(\texttt{self.time_step}\) is \(1\) more than a multiple of \(\texttt{self.n_ts}\), the \(\texttt{post_guard()}\) phase returns \(\texttt{True}\), i.e., the \(\texttt{run_post_mgmt()}\) phase will be executed in that time-step. In other words, \(\texttt{post_guard()}\) returns \(\texttt{True}\) when one input image/sample has been presented to the network for the desired number of \(\texttt{self.n_ts}\) time-steps, such that, the following code in \(\texttt{run_post_mgmt()}\) will be executed:

def run_post_mgmt(self):
    img = self.mnist_dset.test_images[self.curr_img_id]
    self.inp_img = img/255
    self.ground_truth_label = self.mnist_dset.test_labels[self.curr_img_id]
    self.v = np.zeros(self.v.shape, dtype=float)
    self.curr_img_id += 1

As can be seen above, the input image \(\texttt{self.inp_img}\) and the corresponding ground truth \(\texttt{self.ground_truth_label}\) are updated as per the current image index \(\texttt{self.curr_img_id}\), and the encoding neurons’ voltage \(\texttt{self.v}\) is reset to zeros – thus readying for the next iteration of \(\texttt{run_spk()}\) (i.e., Rate-encoding the new updated image) for the next \(\texttt{self.n_ts}\) time-steps. Finally, \(\texttt{self.curr_img_id}\) is updated to its next value - to be used in the next execution of \(\texttt{run_post_mgmt()}\).

Now that we have the component phases of \(\texttt{PyInpImgToSpkModel}\) ProcessModel ready, let’s closely look at their operations in tandem.

Holistic Operation of \(\texttt{InpImgToSpk}\)

Before we begin to understand the Process \(\texttt{InpImgToSpk}\), let’s assume that the values of \(\texttt{self.curr_img_id}\) and \(\texttt{self.n_ts}\) are \(0\) and \(20\) respectively.

When the class \(\texttt{InpImgToSpk}\) is initialized, the \(\texttt{self.inp_img}\) and \(\texttt{self.v}\) arrays are all set to zeros. Next, when it is run, the \(\texttt{self.time_step}\) starts at \(1\) and \(\texttt{run_spk()}\) is the first phase to be executed - thus, it updates the encoding neurons’ \(\texttt{self.v}\), but since \(\texttt{self.imp_img}\) is all zeros (with \(\texttt{self.gain}=1\) and \(\texttt{self.bias}=0\)), \(\texttt{self.v}\) remains all zeros. Thus no spikes are generated and sent. After the \(\texttt{run_spk()}\) phase is over, the \(\texttt{post_guard()}\) phase is invoked. Keep in mind that \(\texttt{self.time_step}\) is still \(1\). Now, the line \(\texttt{if self.time_step % self.n_ts == 1} \implies \texttt{1 % 20}\), which is equal to \(1\), thus, \(\texttt{post_guard()}\) returns \(\texttt{True}\) and the \(\texttt{run_post_mgmt()}\) phase is invoked. Note that \(\texttt{self.time_step}\) is still \(1\).

In the \(\texttt{run_post_mgmt()}\) phase, \(\texttt{self.inp_img}\) is updated with the normalized pixel values of the first test-image, i.e., at the index \(\texttt{self.curr_img_id} = 0\). Following this, \(\texttt{self.ground_truth_label}\) is updated, and the corresponding label is sent to the receiving Process (i.e., to \(\texttt{OutSpkToCls}\)) in the same \(\texttt{self.time_step}=1\). Finally, the encoding neurons voltage \(\texttt{self.v}\) is reset to \(0\) for fresh Rate-encoding of the new input image, and \(\texttt{self.curr_img_id}\) is updated to the next value, i.e., \(1\).

This marks the end of the \(\texttt{InpImgToSpk}\)’s \(\texttt{self.time_step}=1\)’s iteration.

At the beginning of \(\texttt{self.time_step}=2\), the \(\texttt{run_spk()}\) phase is once again called first. This time, the \(\texttt{if}\) condition block is ignored, and \(\texttt{self.v}\) is updated in accordance with the values of \(\texttt{self.inp_img}\) (i.e., of the test-image at index \(\texttt{self.curr_img_id}=0\)). Subsequently, if \(\texttt{self.v}\) crosses the threshold \(\texttt{self.vth}\), then the spikes are generated and sent. In this same time-step, needless to say, \(\texttt{post_guard()}\) returns \(\texttt{False}\) and \(\texttt{run_post_mgmt()}\) is not invoked; thus, \(\texttt{self.inp_img}\) remains unchanged.

Once again \(\texttt{run_spk()}\) is the first phase to be exeucted with the same \(\texttt{self.inp_img}\) values (as in the previous time-step), and the spikes are generated and sent; the \(\texttt{post_guard()}\) phase evaluates to \(\texttt{False}\) and \(\texttt{run_post_mgmt()}\) is not called.

This sort of execution continues all the way until the \(21^{\text{st}}\) time-step. However, let’s look at what’s happening in \(\texttt{self.time_step}=20\) and onwards:

The \(\texttt{run_spk()}\) phase is executed first with the same image \(\texttt{self.inp_img}\) at the index \(\texttt{self.curr_img_id}=0\); \(\texttt{post_guard()}\) returns \(\texttt{False}\) and \(\texttt{run_post_mgmt()}\) is not called.

Now, note that \(\texttt{self.n_ts}=20\) time-steps (i.e., the presentation time-steps of each image) has already passed, however, \(\texttt{self.inp_img}\) is still the same old image! Therefore, the \(\texttt{if}\) block in \(\texttt{run_spk()}\) is necessary which resets the \(\texttt{self.inp_img}\) and \(\texttt{self.v}\) to all zeros; this is similar to the case when \(\texttt{self.time_step}=1\). Subsequently, no spikes are generated and sent to the receiving Process (i.e., to the netx-obtained network). However, after the \(\texttt{run_spk()}\) phase is over, \(\texttt{post_guard()}\) returns \(\texttt{True}\) and the \(\texttt{run_post_mgmt()}\) phase is executed, which updates \(\texttt{self.inp_img}\) to the normalized pixel values of the test-image at index \(\texttt{self.curr_img_id}=1\) (recollect that \(\texttt{self.curr_img_id}\) was already updated to \(1\) in \(\texttt{self.time_step}=1\)); \(\texttt{self.ground_truth_label}\) is also updated accordingly and sent to the receiving Process (i.e., to \(\texttt{OutSpkToCls}\)), \(\texttt{self.v}\) is reset to all zeros for fresh Rate-encoding of the new \(\texttt{self.inp_img}\) image, and finally, \(\texttt{self.curr_img_id}\) is updated to its next value, i.e., \(2\).

The \(\texttt{run_spk()}\) phase is called first, and it updates \(\texttt{self.v}\) corresponding to the new \(\texttt{self.inp_img}\) at index \(\texttt{self.curr_img_id}=1\), thereby generating and sending the spikes if the threshold criterion is met; \(\texttt{post_guard()}\) returns \(\texttt{False}\) and \(\texttt{run_post_mgmt}\) is not called.

Henceforward, I believe, it should be easy to follow this repetition as long as the Lava network is run for. Also, before we miss the context, coming back to the \(\texttt{reset_offset}\) in \(\texttt{netx.hdf5.Network()}\), hopefully it should be clear now on why \(\texttt{reset_offset}\) was set to \(1\). This was done such that (in conjunction with the \(\texttt{reset_interval}=20\)) the netx-obtained network resets after \(21^{\text{st}}, 41^{\text{st}}, 61^{\text{st}}...\) time-steps, because, as we saw above, the \(\texttt{self.inp_img}\) gets reset (and assigned a new test-image) after \(21^{\text{st}}, 41^{\text{st}}, 61^{\text{st}}...\) time-steps; thus, the netx-obtained network resets in synchrony with the input test-image.

\(\texttt{OutSpkToCls}\) and \(\texttt{PyOutSpkToClsModel}\) Classes

The Process: \(\texttt{OutSpkToCls}\) and its corresponding ProcessModel: \(\texttt{PyOutSpkToClsModel}\) implement the code to accept the output spikes from the netx-obtained network’s Output interface and infer the predicted class by reporting the index which has the maximum accumulated spikes over the presentation time-steps (i.e., \(\texttt{self.n_ts}\)) of an image.

The following code in \(\texttt{utils.py}\):

@implements(proc=OutSpkToCls, protocol=LoihiProtocol)
class PyOutSpkToClsModel(PyLoihiProcessModel):

associates the Process: \(\texttt{OutSpkToCls}\) to its ProcessModel: \(\texttt{PyOutSpkToClsModel}\) and instructs it to execute according to the LoihiProtocol on host CPU. As mentioend above, in the LoihiProtocol, the \(\texttt{run_spk()}\) phase is executed first, followed by the \(\texttt{post_guard()}\) phase, upon which the \(\texttt{run_post_mgmt()}\) phase is conditioned.

Components of \(\texttt{PyOutSpkToClsModel}\)

Following is the code in \(\texttt{run_spk()}\) (in \(\texttt{utils.py}\)):

def run_spk(self):
    spk_in = self.spikes_in.recv()
    self.spikes_accum = self.spikes_accum + spk_in

where \(\texttt{self.spikes_accum}\) simply adds up the incoming spikes (every time-step) received in the \(\texttt{self.spikes_in}\) port. As you might reckon, \(\texttt{self.spikes_accum}\) should be reset after every \(\texttt{self.n_ts}=20\) presentation time-steps. This is precisely what’s done in the \(\texttt{run_post_mgmt()}\) phase here. However, since the \(\texttt{run_post_mgmt()}\) phase is guarded by the \(\texttt{post_guard()}\) phase, we look into its code first:

def post_guard(self):
    if self.time_step % self.n_ts == 0:
        return True

    return False

As can be seen above, whenever \(\texttt{self.time_step}\) is a multiple of \(\texttt{self.n_ts}\) (i.e., presentation time-steps of one image is over), \(\texttt{post_guard()}\) returns \(\texttt{True}\), setting the stage for \(\texttt{run_post_mgmt()}\) to execute. Following is the code in \(\texttt{run_post_mgmt()}\):

def run_post_mgmt(self):
    true_label = self.label_in.recv()
    pred_label = np.argmax(self.spikes_accum)
    self.true_labels[self.curr_idx] = true_label[0]
    self.pred_labels[self.curr_idx] = pred_label
    self.curr_idx += 1
    self.spikes_accum = np.zeros_like(self.spikes_accum)

As can be seen above, when the \(\texttt{run_post_mgmt()}\) phase is executed (i.e., after every \(\texttt{self.n_ts} = 20\) time-steps), the \(\texttt{true_label}\) is received from the sending Process (i.e., from \(\texttt{InpImgToSpk}\)) and the \(\texttt{pred_label}\) is computed as the index having the maximum number of accumulated spikes. The respective label arrays are also populated at the current image index \(\texttt{self.curr_idx}\), thereafter updating \(\texttt{self.curr_idx}\) and resetting the \(\texttt{self.spikes_accum}\) to store the output spikes corresponding to the next image (during the next \(\texttt{self.n_ts}\) time-steps). We now look into the operation of all these three phases in tandem.

Holistic Operation of \(\texttt{OutSpkToCls}\)

Let’s begin by assuming \(\texttt{self.curr_idx}=0\) at the start of running the \(\texttt{OutSpkToCls}\) Process.

The \(\texttt{run_spk()}\) phase is called first, which accepts the spikes (if produced from the netx-obtained network) corresponding to the input image at \(\texttt{self.curr_img_id}=0\) and accumulates them in \(\texttt{self.spikes_accum}\). Note that \(\texttt{post_guard()}\) returns \(\texttt{False}\) and \(\texttt{run_post_mgmt()}\) is not invoked.

The \(\texttt{run_spk()}\) phase is called again - it receives the spikes (if produced from the netx-obtained network) and stores them in the \(\texttt{self.spikes_accum}\). The \(\texttt{run_post_mgmt()}\) phase is not called as \(\texttt{post_guard()}\) returns \(\texttt{False}\).

This sort of processing continues for the test-image at \(\texttt{self.curr_img_id}=0\) until the \(20^{\text{th}}\) time-step begins, i.e.,

The \(\texttt{run_spk()}\) phase is called first, it receives the spikes from the netx-obtained network and updates \(\texttt{self.spikes_accum}\). This time the \(\texttt{post_guard()}\) phase returns \(\texttt{True}\) and the \(\texttt{run_post_mgmt()}\) phase is called. It receives the ground truth label sent from the \(\texttt{InpImgToSpk}\) Process and computes the predicted label for the current input image at \(\texttt{self.curr_img_id}=0\) from \(\texttt{self.spikes_accum}\) and populates the respective label arrays at the \(\texttt{self.curr_id}=0\) index. It then updates \(\texttt{self.curr_id}\) to its next value \(1\) and resets the \(\texttt{self.spikes_accum}\) to all zeros, thereby setting the stage for processing the next input image for the next \(\texttt{self.n_ts}=20\) presentation time-steps.

Note that in this time-step, \(\texttt{self.inp_img}\) and \(\texttt{self.v}\) is reset to all zeros in the \(\texttt{run_spk()}\) phase of the \(\texttt{InpImgToSpk}\) Process. Also, \(\texttt{post_guard()}\) (in \(\texttt{InpImgToSpk}\)) evaluates to \(\texttt{True}\) and the \(\texttt{run_post_mgmt()}\) phase is called in the \(\texttt{InpImgToSpk}\) Process, thereby, updating \(\texttt{self.inp_img}\) and \(\texttt{self.ground_truth_label}\) to the next image and ground truth (at index \(\texttt{self.curr_img_id}=1\)) respectively; the updated \(\texttt{self.ground_truth_label}\) is sent to this \(\texttt{OutSpkToCls}\) Process.

Thus, in the \(\texttt{run_spk()}\) phase of \(\texttt{OutSpkToCls}\) Process, the spikes from the netx-obtained network corresponding to the new test-image at \(\texttt{self.curr_img_id}=1\) is processed. Although, \(\texttt{run_post_mgmt()}\) is not called because \(\texttt{post_guard()}\) returns \(\texttt{False}\).

Hopefully, it is now clear on how this repetition across all the time-steps progresses as long as the Lava network runs.

Inferencing with \(\texttt{LavaDenseSNN}\) on \(\textsf{Loihi-2}\)

We now finally bring our attention to deploying our trained SNN on \(\textsf{Loihi-2}\) neuromorphic chip for inference. Following code in \(\texttt{snns.py}\) builds the \(\texttt{run_config}\) depending upon the backend \(\textsf{Loihi-Sim}\) and \(\textsf{Loihi-Hw}\) (\(\texttt{L2Sim}\) and \(\texttt{L2Hw}\) in code respectively):

if backend == "L2Sim": # Run on the Loihi-2 Simulation Hardware on CPU.
    run_config = Loihi2SimCfg(
        select_tag="fixed_pt", # To select fixed point implementation.
            InpImgToSpk: PyInpImgToSpkModel,
            OutSpkToCls: PyOutSpkToClsModel,
            InputAdapter: PyInputAdapter,
            OutputAdapter: PyOutputAdapter
elif backend == "L2Hw": # Run on the Loihi-2 Physical Hardware on INRC.
    run_config = Loihi2HwCfg(
            InpImgToSpk: PyInpImgToSpkModel,
            OutSpkToCls: PyOutSpkToClsModel,
            InputAdapter: NxInputAdapter,
            OutputAdapter: NxOutputAdapter

The above \(\texttt{run_config}\) is then used to \(\texttt{run()}\) the \(\texttt{LavaDenseSNN}\) on the appropriate backend with properly mapped ProcessModels of the composing Processes. Now, the code below does the per-image inference (on the chosen backend):

# Execute the trained network on each image indvidually.
for _ in range(self.num_test_imgs):
        condition=RunSteps(num_steps=self.n_ts), run_cfg=run_config

where \(\texttt{self.n_ts}\) is simply the presentation time-steps of each test-image. Upon inferencing for all the \(10000\) test-images on \(\textsf{Loihi-Sim}\) (i.e., \(\texttt{backend == L2Sim}\) on CPU), I am getting \(94.27\%\) test accuracy. Note that the execution on \(\textsf{Loihi-Hw}\) (i.e., \(\texttt{backend == L2Hw}\) on INRC) requires the \(\texttt{reset_interval}\) (in \(\texttt{netx.hdf5.Network()}\) to be a power of \(2\), hence, I have chosen it to be \(32\) in my runs on INRC. And yes, don’t forget to stop running your LavaDenseSNN after obtaining the true and predicted classes!

# Stop the run-time AFTER obtaining all the true and pred classes.

Closing Words

This was quite a long tutorial, by the virtue of being end-to-end. At the time of writing this, I couldn’t find any comprehensive end-to-end tutorial on Lava’s website; rather, the tutorials are/were broken into training via slayer and then evaluation via netx (both separate). Nonetheless, those Lava tutorials formed the essential building blocks of this end-to-end tutorial. Here, after a short introduction to Lava, I showed you how to first build your SNN using SLAYER, followed by its Direct Training on GPU, and then eventually porting it to either Loihi simulation-hardware or Loihi physical-hardware for inference. I also described how the different phases of a ProcessModel execute every time-step; this intricate understanding of Process execution is quite necessary to build complex Lava networks. I hope that this tutorial serves as a foundation to your next awesome Neuromorphic Computing/Lava project!

Feel free to comment below if you have any questions in understanding this tutorial or executing the code in mnist-on-loihi repository. And don’t forget to leave a star on Github if this tutorial/repository helped you! Thank you for stopping by :).

tags: tutorial - slayer - lava - loihi